Teen Drug Abuse Symptoms

The symptoms of drug abuse vary from one person to the next. However, there are four main groups to them. These four groups of drug abuse symptoms are broadly defined according to which they fall under. These four groups of symptoms are listed below. These groups are also described in the following sentences.

EMOTIONS. Drug abuse symptoms which are related to emotional states are generally classified as emotional symptoms. Examples include depression, irritability and guilt.

HYDROSISTS. Symptoms of drug abuse symptoms which are caused due to the misuse of certain hormones are referred to as hyperdrivers. Some examples are euphoria, fever, sexual dysfunction and/or sleep disturbance. Opioid analgesics which are prescribed for the relief of chronic pain are one of the most prescribed opioids. Overdosing on this type of opioid could result in fatal consequences.

RESULTS. After prolonged use, the user may show signs of withdrawal. This could either be mild or severe. Most users who are prescribed prescription drugs to relieve their chronic pain do experience some withdrawal symptoms when stopped.

DRUG ACIDS. These are commonly known as “uppers”. This class of drug abuse substance comes under the category of stimulants. Although it can produce a “high” like effects, these products are highly addictive substances and can lead to severe health problems if abused.

PSYCHOLOGY. Psychologically, people get addicted through a psychological process which is called “habituation”. Habitation means that your mind becomes used to the effect of the drug. When a substance is habituated, it is much more difficult to wean yourself from it. Habits take time to change. When these symptoms occur during detox from prescription medications, the rehab programs have to be very intense in order for the person to wean themselves from this addiction.

DRUG ABUSE Symptoms. In addition to the above-mentioned symptoms, the addicted person will also exhibit physical symptoms due to the abuse of these prescription drugs. These include but are not limited to, cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, insomnia and frequent urination. The abuse of these drugs will often lead to increased heart rate, hypertension, and even high blood pressure. People who abuse these drugs are more prone to suffering from depression. They will generally have less energy and feel hopeless.

Withdrawal Symptoms. Due to the effects of marijuana, drug abusers will exhibit withdrawal symptoms when given the chance to stop using them. This may include: anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, paranoia and irritability.

DRUG ABUSE SYMPTOMS Main symptoms of drug abuse or addiction are usually hard to miss. People who abuse these drugs are more likely to develop serious psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety. Other mental problems that may be apparent in drug abusers include bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and psychosis. Many times, they will use heroin or other addictive drugs in an attempt to cover up the symptoms of withdrawal that they experience from their addiction.

HOW TO CATCH THE symptoms of abuse drugs is not as difficult as you may think. It is important to know that not all drug addictions are the same and that they are different in ways that can help determine if someone is abusing drugs or alcohol. Also, knowing how these symptoms manifest will help determine which treatments are most effective. Most people who abuse drugs and alcohol will exhibit some, if not most, of these symptoms at one time or another. It will be up to you and your medical care provider to determine if the person is exhibiting these symptoms due to drug addiction or just because they are a person with poor choices.

Sudden Weight Gain Drug addiction can lead to sudden weight loss, sometimes even during the course of treatment. Many times, patients who abuse drugs are unable to eat normally because of the cravings they feel. They may feel depressed or have mood swings. In some cases, they may gain more weight than they lose it. In addition, most types of drug abuse symptoms that are associated with drug addiction are often accompanied by breathlessness, insomnia or memory problems or tinnitus, loss of appetite and bloating, depression, headaches and constipation.

Dizziness, Drowsiness, and Bloating Drug addiction can make a person dizzy, disoriented and even faint. This is also a main symptom of withdrawal for many people who are trying to quit using drugs. This can affect people who abuse alcohol as well as teens who are trying to avoid using marijuana, cocaine, heroin or meth-amphetamines. Some teens who abuse drugs also have symptoms of dizziness, insomnia, depression and anxiety. Some of these same types of symptoms that are associated with withdrawal from heroin or meth-amphetamines can also appear when a teen drug abuser tries to avoid using them.

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Abnormal Clarity of Skin and Body Many of the same prescription Opiate symptoms are manifested when a drug user is taking prescription painkillers like codeine, hydrocodone and oxycodone. These types of drugs can cause the skin to darken, form blisters and ulcers, and the user’s body to become more sensitive to the sun. In addition, many times these drug abuse symptoms are mistaken for the flu or common cold.

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