Give your child food that are soft, cold and bland

The common chickenpox is typically benign childhood illness that is caused by the varicella-zostervirus (VZV) that is one of the herpes group. The virus is responsible for two distinct illnesses: varicella (chickenpox) is the main infection, and , later, when VSV activates, it can cause the herpes virus (shingles).

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The virus is highly infectious and can be spread through coughing and sneezing. It can also be spread through directly touching and through the an aerosolization of the virus that is released from skin lesions. You may also contract it by contact with virus-laden vesicle fluids from shingles.

The condition is characterised by an achy, red itchy skin rash that typically begins in the abdomen, back or face, and it spreads to all areas within the human body. The rash starts as tiny red bumps which appear like pimples or bites from insects. They grow into blisters with thin walls which are filled with clear fluid that are able to collapse when punctured. The blisters break then crusts and creates dried brown scabs.

The lesions of chickenpox can occur at various stages of maturation. They are most prevalent on skin that is covered rather than those that are exposed. The lesions can also be seen inside the mouth the upper respiratory tract, and in the genitals.

It is contagious for a period of two days before the rash develops and lasts until all lesions are coated with a crust (usually around five days).

This illness is more dangerous when it affects adults than children. Chickenpox complications are uncommon however they can include pneumonia, encephalitis, and secondary infections with bacteria.

Infection by this virus generally provides lifetime immunity, however secondary attacks have been reported for people with an immune system disorder. The infection is undiscovered, and it is possible for the disease to occur again years later in the form of shingles.

To stop the spread of this illness in children the vaccine was approved to be used in 1995. Doctors advise that children receive the vaccine between the ages of 12 and 15 and then get a booster age 4 to 6. This vaccine works in stopping mild infections for as high as 85 percent of children. It also prevents severe ones in around 90 percent of children. Children who receive the vaccine are still susceptible to chickenpox but with less severe symptoms.

Certain individuals should not be vaccinations for chickenpox especially pregnant women. It is best to wait to receive the vaccine until the birth, or shouldn’t become pregnant until about a month after vaccination.

For children over 13 years old and adults who’ve never experienced chickenpox before, the vaccine is recommended to be administered in two doses that are at minimum 28 days from each other.

Additionally, people who have an immune system that is suppressed because of a condition (HIV/AIDS) or medication (cancer therapy or steroids) must consult their doctor prior to being immunized.

If your child is afflicted with chickenpox, it is possible to help ease the discomfort associated from this condition by following the steps below:

o Applying cool, wet compresses, or baths with cool or lukewarm water every 3-4 hours during the first few days. Oatmeal-based baths, which are available at the local pharmacy or supermarket will help relieve itching. (Baths don’t spread chickenpox.)

or Doing a gentle patting (not rub) you body.

Use calamine lotion on the areas that are itchy (but avoid using it on the face, particularly close to eye area).

Give your child food that are soft, cold and bland as the presence of an outbreak of chickenpox could cause difficulty in eating or drinking. Do not feed your child anything that is acidic, or especially salty like pretzels or orange juice.

o Talk to your physician or pharmacist for creams that relieve pain to apply to the sores of the genital region.

o Give your child acetaminophen on a regular basis to relieve pain your child suffers from mouth blisters.

Consult your physician to prescribe an over-the-counter medicine to treat itching.

Do not use aspirin to ease fever or pain for children who have chickenpox as it has been linked to the severe disease known as Reye’s syndrome which could lead to liver failure and death.

As much as you can keep children from scratching. It can be very challenging for children, therefore you should consider wearing mittens or socks to your child’s hands to stop them from scratching in the night. Additionally, trim fingernails and clean them to reduce the negative effects of scratching, which can result in fractured blisters as well as infection.

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